Wednesday 29 July 2015

The Firm Who Has Won Numerous Verdicts For Its Clients

Frekhtman & Associates is one law firm in New York that provides motorcycle injury lawyer in Queens to its clients. They whole-heartedly work for the case and help in seeking justice for them. They initially investigate the case and go through the details very well before concluding to any conclusion.

Monday 27 July 2015

The Lawyers Who Handle Various Injury Cases On Contingency Basis

Frekhtman & Associates is a reputed injury law firm that is known for fighting trucking accident cases. The Brooklyn Truck Accident Lawyer fights for your case make sure that the person rights are well preserved. The legal attorney provides every possible help and legal guidance to the victim who has suffered.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

How auto accident lawyers play an imperative role in solving victim’s cases?

It is imperative to hire New York auto accident lawyer if you need full coverage from the losses you have faced during the accident. These attorneys help the victims in every possible way and provide compensation for medical costs, lost wages and what not.

Sunday 19 July 2015

What Are The Legal Limitations For A Car Accident Victim In NY?

If you or someone you know has suffered a car accident in the state of New York, you should be aware that the clock is ticking on a potential lawsuit. There is a statute of limitations applicable to New York state car accidents that determines the time frame in which a lawsuit can be filed against the party that is allegedly at fault.
The statute of limitations begins either when the accident occurs or when a causally related injury is discovered. In a nutshell, this means that the timespan applicable to each car accident is completely unique. No two car accident lawsuits are ever the same. Some car accidents involve physical injury while others cause property damage. In other instances, car accidents are the result of a vehicle defect. Yet the most important distinction in the context of New York's statute of limitations is whether the car accident resulted in an injury or death.

In the state of New York, you have up to three years from the date of the causally related injury to file a personal injury lawsuit. This time frame is applicable to the driver, any of his passengers and even motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. The three year window also applies to those who suffer damage to personal property as the result of a car accident. If the accident resulted in a wrongful death, the claim must be brought within two years from the date of death. It is important to note that the date of death is not always the same as the date of the accident. A wrongful death suit can be brought by the family of the deceased or one of his representatives. Those who file a lawsuit beyond the state's statute of limitations will likely find that the court refuses to hear it. Regardless of whether the car accident caused an injury, property damage or death, its merit and success depends on whether the allegedly negligent driver actually caused the accident.

It is imperative that you meet with an experienced New York car accident lawyer. He will review the facts of your case, provide an honest opinion regarding the chances for recovery and then zealously advocate on your behalf. While you might be confident that your case will make its way through the insurance claims process, you never know what the outcome of that bureaucratic maze will be. Leaning on a New York personal injury lawyer to file a lawsuit within the statue of limitations or at least securing legal representation through New York Personal injury attorneys will provide you with significantly more leverage throughout settlement negotiations. Do not hesitate to contact a New York auto accident lawyer to ensure that all of your legal rights are fully preserved.

Tuesday 14 July 2015

What Legal Factors Affect Your Personal Injury Settlement?

When it comes to personal injury settlements, a number of legal factors are in play. All sorts of variables determine the dollar value of your injury. While each instance of injury is unique, some common factors apply to all of these unfortunate incidents.

Most people know that the more pain and suffering one endures, the greater his settlement offer is likely to be. Yet defense attorneys and insurance adjusters lean on a number of specific factors to determine the amount of a settlement offer. If one suffers a hard injury, meaning a broken bone, nerve damage, wounds, a head injury, or something similar, a higher multiplier is applied when calculating medical expenses as well as potential settlement offers. A lower multiplier is applied when one endures a soft tissue injury such as a bruise, strain, or sprain.

If there is no shared fault for the accident on the behalf of the injured party, the chances of a desirable settlement offer are significantly boosted. If the opposing party does not appear to be believable, credible or sympathetic, there is also an increased chance of a higher settlement. One of the most important factors is the existence of witnesses. If your New York personal injury attorneys pinpoint credible witnesses who have observed your personal injury and can provide testimony that will bolster your case, you will likely receive a quality settlement offer in a timely manner. Furthermore, if you can prove that the opposing party has liability, they will likely offer you and your New York car accident lawyer an attractive settlement.

Other factors that impact your personal injury settlement include the other party's past behavior, especially if he caused an accident while driving. A poor driving record significantly increases the chances of a considerable settlement offer being made. Those who live in a comparative fault state will find out that their settlement offer depends on the nuances of state law. Adjusters commonly agree to pay a settlement according to the percentage of each party's fault. This means that the liability for the accident is mutually shared between the victim and the at-fault party. In a situation like this, the settlement you and your New York auto accident lawyer are offered is determined by the exact percentage of the insured party's liability.

While many victims would never guess that the accident's location, commonly referred to as the “venue”, does play a part in the settlement process, it is critically important. Ask any New York personal injury lawyer and you will find out that the location of the injury actually plays a large role in the amount of a potential settlement offer. In New York, venue is based on where one of the parties to the lawsuit resides. On the other hand, if you are filing a lawsuit against the city of New York or another municipality then it will be based on the location of the incident.

Since verdicts for personal injury cases in certain counties and cities are drastically higher than others, the typical settlement offer hinges on the venue. Some insurance companies and attorneys will roll out a seemingly generous settlement offer due to the fact that juries in the county where the injury occurred tend to be egregiously sympathetic toward those who suffer an injury due to another's negligence.